infIP is a little python script coded by me that checks output from netstat against RBLs from Spamhaus.
This script can be used to check if your PC is infected or Not
This tool can be downloaded from
This package contains
1] [ This is the main python script.]
2] [Beautiful Soup is a Python HTML/XML parser designed for quick turnaround projects like screen-scraping]
BeautifulSoup Also available @
This script is tested with Python 2.7.
1] Download Python from
2] Install python2.7. [Installation Directory by Default C:\Python27].
3] Copy the "" file into "C:\Python27\Lib" directory.
4] Execute ""
5] Let the script complete initial lookup process after completions it will open an html report in your default browser with all the hosts and their details. Click on the hosts to go to details.
The demo of this script can be found here :
This script can be used to check if your PC is infected or Not
This tool can be downloaded from
This package contains
1] [ This is the main python script.]
2] [Beautiful Soup is a Python HTML/XML parser designed for quick turnaround projects like screen-scraping]
BeautifulSoup Also available @
This script is tested with Python 2.7.
1] Download Python from
2] Install python2.7. [Installation Directory by Default C:\Python27].
3] Copy the "" file into "C:\Python27\Lib" directory.
4] Execute ""
5] Let the script complete initial lookup process after completions it will open an html report in your default browser with all the hosts and their details. Click on the hosts to go to details.
The demo of this script can be found here :
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